Team Eta, a dedicated group of students from KJSCE, Mumbai, is embarking on an ambitious endeavor to design and construct a high-efficiency vehicle for the prestigious Shell Eco-Marathon competition. With a proven track record in sustainable automotive development, including notable achievements such as Mahil in 2019 and Arya in 2015, the team is poised to excel once again. Recognizing the importance of securing funding for their project, Team Eta has outlined specific areas where support is needed, ranging from logistics to research and development. To achieve our goals, we propose launching a crowdfunding campaign to engage with our community and wider audience, aiming not only to raise necessary funds but also to raise awareness about their project's significance. With a clear plan and unwavering determination, Team Eta is optimistic about the potential of crowdfunding to propel our project forward and make a meaningful impact in the Shell Eco-Marathon 2024.